

S. Hemayat, M. Baharlou, S. Sina, A. V. Sergienko, and A. Ndao "Integrating deep convolutional surrogate solvers and particle swarm optimization for efficient inverse design of plasmonic patch nanoantennas", Nanophotonics, vol. 13, no. 21, pp. 3963–3983 (2024)

C. R. Schwarze, D. S. Simon, A. D. Manni, A. Ndao, and A. V. Sergienko "Experimental demonstration of a Grover-Michelson interferometer", Optics Express, vol. 32, no. 19, pp. 34116–34127 (2024)

A. Alquliah, J. K.-C. Sun, C. Mekhiel, C. Gao, G. Gulinihali, Y. Fainman, and A. Ndao "Electrically Reconfigurable Non-Volatile On-Chip Bragg Filter with Multilevel Operation”, arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.10110 (2024)

D. S. Simon, C. R. Schwarze, A. Ndao and A. V. Sergienko "Exceptional points in SSH-like models with a hopping amplitude gradient”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 41(8), 1847-1855 (2024)

S. Ahn, J.Y. Shang, S.K. Patel, E. Alvarado, A. Ndao and O Vazquez‐Mena "Intercalated Graphene and Colloidal Quantum Dots for Multispectral Photodetection”, Advanced Functional Materials p.2409523 (2024)

C.R. Schwarze, D.S. Simon, A. Ndao and A.V. Sergienko "Tunable linear-optical phase amplification”, Phys. Rev. A109 (5), 053508 (2024)

C.R. Schwarze, D.S. Simon, A.D. Manni, A.Ndao, and A.V. Sergienko, "Finite-element assembly approach of optical quantum walk networks," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 41, 1304-1316 (2024)

M. W. Khalid, A. Akbar, J. Ha, M.S.E Hadri, A.V. Sergienko, E.E. Fullerton, and A. Ndao “Role of photonic angular momentum in all-optical magnetic switching”, Phys. Rev. B109, L140403 (2024)

A. Alquliah, J. Ha, and A. Ndao, “Multi-channel broadband nonvolatile programmable modal switch”, Optics Express10979-10999 (2024)

S. Moayed Baharlou, S. Hemayat, K.C. Toussaint and A. Ndao, “GPU-Accelerated and Memory-Independent Layout Generation for Arbitrarily Large-Scale Metadevices”, Advanced Theory and Simulations, 2300378, (2024)

M.W. Khalid, J. Ha, M.S.E. Hadri, L. Hsu, S. Hemayat, Y. Xiao, A. Sergienko, E.E. Fullerton and A. Ndao, “Meta-Magnetic All-Optical Helicity Dependent Switching of Ferromagnetic Thin Films”, Advanced Optical Materials, 2301599, (2024)

KC Toussaint, AK Bowden, A Ndao, M N'Gom and TA Searles, “Introduction to the special feature: amplify Black voices in optics and photonics, Optics Express, 9213-9218, (2024)

2020 ~ 2023

F.I. Baida, J.J. Robayo Yepes and A. Ndao “Giant second harmonic generation in etch-less lithium niobate thin film”, Journal of Applied Physics 133, 124501 (2023)

S. Hemayat., L. Hsu, J. Ha, and A. Ndao “Near-unity uniformity and efficiency broadband meta-beam-splitter/combiner”, Optics Express 31 (3), 3984-3997(2023).

J. J. R. Yepes, F. Issam Baida, and A. Ndao “Giant second-harmonic generation enabled by bound-state continuum cavity on lithium niobate membrane”, Arxiv3, 3984-3997 (2022).

G. Yang, A.V. Sergienko, and A. Ndao “Plasmonic loss-mitigating broadband adiabatic polarizing beam splitter”, Optics Letters 47 (03), 629-632 (2022).

L.Y. Hsu, A. Ndao, “Diffraction-limited broadband optical meta-power-limiter”, Opt. Letters, 6, 1293-1296, (2021).

G. Yang, A. V. Sergienko, and A. Ndao, “Tunable polarization mode conversion using thin-film lithium niobate ridge waveguide”, Optics Express 29 (12), 18565-18571, (2021).

B. Bahari, L.Y. Hsu, S.H. Pan, D. Preece, A. Ndao, A.E. Amili, Y. Fainman, and B. Kanté, “Photonic quantum Hall effect and multiplexed light sources of large orbital angular momenta”, Nature Physics, (2021).

L.Y. Hsu, Fadi I. Baida, and A. Ndao, “Local field enhancement using a photonic-plasmonic nanostructure”, Opt. Express, 29, 1102-1108, (2021).

A. Ndao, L.Y.Hsu, J. Ha, J.H. Park, C. Chang-Hasnain, and B. Kanté, “Octave bandwidth photonic Fishnet-achromatic-metalens”, Nature Communications, 11, 3205, (2020).

J.H. Park, A. Ndao, W. Cai, L.Y. Hsu, A. Kodigala, T. Lepetit, Y.H. Lo, and B. Kanté, “Symmetry-breaking-induced plasmonic exceptional points and nanoscale sensing”, Nature Physics, 16, 462-468, (2020)

A. Ndao, L.Y. Hsu W. Cai, Y.H. Lo and B. Kanté, “Differentiating and quantifying exosomes secretion from single cell using Bound States in the Continuum”, Nanophotonics, 9, 1081-1086, (2020).

2012 ~ 2019

Hsu, A. Ndao, and B. Kanté, “Broadband and linear polarization metasurface carpet cloak in the visible”, Optics letters 44 (12), 2978-2981, (2019).

Noh, M. Dupré, A. Ndao, A. Kodigala, and B. Kanté, “Self-suspended microdisk lasers with mode selectivity by manipulating the spatial symmetry of whispering gallery modesACS Photonics 6 (2), 389-394 (2019).

A. Ndao, R. Salut, M. Suarez, and Fadi I. Baida, “Plasmonless polarization-selective metasurfaces in the visible rangeJournal of optics 20, 045003 (2018).

J. Ha, A. Ndao, L. Y. Hsu, J.-H. Park, and B. Kanté, “Planar dielectric cylindrical lens at 800 nm and the role of fabrication imperfectionsOpt. Express 26, 23178-23184 (2018).

M. Boutria, A. Ndao, and F. I. Baida, “Quantification of the Transmission Properties of Anisotropic Metasurfaces Illuminated by Finite-Size Beams” 8, 2001, Appl. Sci.(2018).

J. Wang, S. Wagner, W. Chen, Y. Shi, A. Ndao, L. Li, B. Kanté, D. Sirbuly, M. C. Lemme, S.V. Mena, “Integration of Nanomaterials into Three-Dimensional Vertical ArchitecturesACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 28262–28268 (2018).

B. Bahari, A. Ndao, F. Vallini, A. El Amili, Y. Fainman and B. Kanté, “Nonreciprocal lasing in topological cavities of arbitrary geometriesScience 10.1126/science.aao4551, Physics World Top Ten Breakthrough of 2017: first topological laser (2017).

A. Godet, A. Ndao, T. Sylvestre, V. Pecheur, S. Lebrun, G. Pauliat, J.-C. Beugnot and K. P. Huy, “Brillouin spectroscopy of optical microfibers and nanofibersOptica 4 (10), 1232-1238 (2017).

L.Y. Hsu, M. Dupré, A. Ndao, J. Yellowhair and B. Kanté, “Local phase method for designing and optimizing metasurface devicesOpt. Express 25, 24974 (2017).

J. Park, A. Kodigala, A. Ndao, and B. Kanté, “Hybridized metamaterial platform for nanoscale sensing” 25, 13, 15590 Optics Express (2017).

L.Y. Hsu, M. Dupre, A. Ndao and B. Kanté, “From parabolic-trough to metasurface-concentrator: assessing focusing in the wave-optics limitOptics Letters 8, (2017).

T. Kovalevich, A. Ndao, M. Suarez, S. Tumenas, Z. Balevicius, A. Ramanavicius, I. Baleviciute, M. Häyrinen, M. Roussey, M. Kuittinen, T.Grosjean and M.P. Bernal, “Tunable Bloch surface waves in anisotropic photonic crystals based on lithium niobate thin filmsOptics Letters 41, 5616-5619 (2016).

W. Qiu, A. Ndao, V. Calero, H. H. Lu, M.-P. Bernal and F. I. Baida, “Guided resonances on lithium niobate for extremely small electric field detection investigated by accurate sensitivity analysis” Optics Express 24, (2016).

W. Qiu, A. Ndao, V. Calero, R. Salut, N. Courjal, F. I. Baida, and M.-P. Berna,l “Fano resonance based high sensitive, compact temperature sensor on thin film lithium niobateOptics Letters 41 1106-1109 (2016).

G. Ulliac, V. Calero, A. Ndao, F.I. Baida and M.-P. Bernal, “Argon plasma inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching study for smooth sidewall thin film lithium niobate waveguide applicationOptical Materials 53 1-5 (2016).

T. Alaridhee, A. Ndao, M.-P. Bernal, E. Popov, A. L. Fehrembach and F. I. Baida, “Transmission properties of Slanted Annular Arrays. Giant energy deviation over sub-wavelength distanceOptics Express 23 11688 (2015).

W. Qiu, M.-P. Bernal, A. Ndao, N. Hameed, C. Guyot, N. Courjal, H. Maillotte, and F. I. Baida, “Anlysis of ultra-compact waveguide modes in thin film lithium niobateApplied physics B118:261267 (2015).

N. Courjal, F. Devaux, A. Gerthoffer, C. Guyot, F. Henrot, A. Ndao and M.-P. Bernal, “Low-loss LiNbO3 tapered-ridge waveguides made by optical-grade dicingOptics Express 13983 – 13990 (2015).

A. Gertoffer, C. Guyot, W. Qiu, A. Ndao, M.-P. Bernal and N. Courjal, “Strong reduction of propagation losses in LiNbO3 ridge waveguidesOptical Materials 38 37-41 (2014).

A. Ndao, J. Salvi, R. Salut, M.-P. Bernal, T. Alaridhee, A. Belkhir and F. I. Baida, “Resonant optical transmission through sub-wavelength annular apertures caused by a plasmonic transverse electromagnetic (TEM) modeJournal of Optics 16 125009 (2014).

M. Hamidi, C. Chemrouk, A. Belkhir, Z. Kebci, A. Ndao, O. Lamrous and F. I. Baida, “SFM-FDTD analysis of triangular-lattice AAA structure. Parametric study of the TEM modeOptics Communications 318, 47–52 (2014).

A. Ndao, A. Belkhir, R. Salut and F. I. Baida, “Slanted Annular Aperture Arrays as enhanced-transmission metamaterials: excitation of the TEM plasmonic guided modeApplied Physics Letters 103, 211901 (2013).

A. Ndao, Q. Vagne, J. Salvi and F. I. Baida, “Polarization sensitive sub-wavelength metallic structures: toward near-field light confinement controlAppl. Phys. B 106, 857–862 (2012).